Head and Neck Treatments by Dr Loh Ear Nose Throat Clinic Kota Damansara

At Dr Loh Ear Nose Throat Clinic Kota Damansara in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Dr. Loh Tze Liang is a verified and certified doctor who provides the best in terms of affordable services for your Head and Neck treatments.

Head and Neck treatment procedures and technologies like Cervical Lymph Nodes Treatment, Hair Follicle Infection (Furunculosis) Treatment, Partial Thyroidectomy are provided here.

Take a look at the ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) services list below and send an enquiry to know more about the treatment.

Head and Neck

Sjogren's Syndrome Treatment

Sjogren's Syndrome Treatment

Sjorgen's syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease that affects the entire body and can occur at any age. Autoimmune disease are when the body produce abnormal amount of extra antibodies in the blood and the immune system mistakenly arracks your body's own cells and tissues. This syndrome caused patients to experience dry eyes, dry mouth, fatigue and joint pain. It can also cause dysfunction of organs such as kidneys, blood vessels, lungs and more.Symptoms:Main symptoms are:-Dry eyes, eyes might burn, itch or feel gritty as if there's sand in themDry mouth, difficulties to swallow or speakand others:-Joint pain, swelling and stiffnessSwollen Salivary GlandsSkin rashes or dry skin

Diseases and Conditions
  • Sjogren's Syndrome
Parotitis Treatment

Parotitis Treatment

Parotitis is the name given to inflammation and infection of the largest of the salivary glands known as the parotid glands. The inflammation of the salivary glands reduces their ability to function properly and thus lead to infections within the mouthSymptoms:Swelling of tissues (surrounding the saliva glands)Redness and sorenessCauses:InfectionDrugsRadiationVarious DiseasesObstruction of the salivary duct Poor oral hygiene

Diseases and Conditions
  • Parotitis

Overactive Thyroid (Hyperthyroidsim) Treatment

Hyperthroidsim is a condition of the thyroid and when the thyroid makes too much hormones (thyroxine) that control how the cells use energy. Thyroid problems are more common in women than men. Causes: -Graves' disease (autoimmune disorder) causes antibodies to stimulate the thyroid to secrete too much hormones. May experience: Bulging of your eyes Feling or pain/pressure in your eyes Redness or inflammation in or around your eyes Sensitivity to light Puffiness or retraction of the eyelids Nervousness, anxiety and irritability

Thyroglossal Duct Cyst Surgery

Thyroglossal Duct Cyst Surgery
RM 10,000 - RM 20,000

Thyroglossal Duct Cyst is when a lump develops around the neck area. The lumps develop from cells and tissues that are remained after your thyroid leaves behind extra cells while its forming during your development in the womb.Symptoms:Presence of a lump in the middle of the front of your neckSpeaking with a hoarse voiceHaving trouble breathing or swallowingRedness, tender near the area of the cyst / lumpsMucus seep out of a small skin near the lump

Diseases and Conditions
  • Thyroglossal Duct Cyst

Ramsay Hunt Syndrome Treatment

Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is the condition where a viral infection to the facial nerve near the ears cause a facial paralysis and hearing loss.Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox. After we have recovered from chicken pox, the virus remains dormant (or asleep) in our bodies. Years later, this virus may reactivate can cause conditions like shingles or Ramsay Hunt Syndrome.The main symptoms of Ramsay Hunty Syndrome is facial paralysis and painful rash with fluid-filled blisters around the ear.Ramsay Hunt syndrome needs to be properly diagnosed for the right treatment, so do consult a specialist doctor to have your condition checked.

Diseases and Conditions
  • Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
Face Deformities Treatment

Face Deformities Treatment

A deformity is a change in the shape of a body part. A deformity is caused by unusual pressure on the baby in the womb or the baby's position late during the pregnancy. Facial deformity can affect sight, speech, breathing and your ability to swallow. Certain diseases also lead to facial disorders. For example, nerve diseases or Bell's palsy sometimes cause facial pain, spasms and trouble with eye or facial movement. Birth defects can also affect the face.

Bell's Palsy (Idiopathic Facial Paralysis) Treatment

Bell's Palsy (Idiopathic Facial Paralysis) Treatment

Bell's Palsy is a form of temporary facial paralysis, when one side of the face muscle are paralyse or weak. The person may find it tough to control one side of their face muscles. The affected side of the face tends to droop. Bell's Palsy may also affect saliva, tear production and the sense of taste.Causes can be:Facial Nerve is inflamed (press against the cheekbone)Protective covering of the nerve is damagedSignals connecting muscles and the brain can't be transmitted properlyTreatment can be:Medications (Corticosteroids and Antiviral Drugs)Physical TherapySurgery

Diseases and Conditions
  • Bell Palsy (Idiopathic Facial Paralysis)

Neck Swelling Treatment
RM 200 - RM 500

Neck Swelling also known as Swollen Lymph Nodes, and one of the main cause of this disease are when lymph nodes are inflamed (when the ears, sinus, or tonsils become infected). Treatment may need to depends on the cause:Bacteria InfectionImmune DisorderCancer

Head and Neck Tumor Treatment

Head and Neck Tumor Treatment
RM 200 - RM 500

The most common type of cancer in the head and neck is squamous cell carcinoma, which arises from the cells that line the inside of the nose, mouth and throat. People with history of smoking or exposure to the human papilloma virus (HPV) are most likely to associate with Squamous Cell cancer.Symptoms of Head and Neck Cancers: May include a lump or a sore A sore throat Oral Cavity : White or red patch on the gums, tongue, lining of the mouthPharynx : Trouble breathing or speaking, pain when swallowing, neck or throat, frequent headaches and etcLarynx: Pain when swallowing or ear painParanasal sinuses and nasal cavity : Sinuses that are blocked and do not clear, chronic sinus infections that do not respond to treatment with antibiotics and etc-Salivary glands: Swelling under the chin or around the jawbone, numbness or paralysis ofthe muscles in the face

Branchial Cleft Cyst Surgery

Branchial Cleft Cyst Surgery

Jenis kanker pada kepala dan leher yang paling umum adalah karsinoma sel skuamosa, yang muncul dari cel yang tersusun dalam hidung, mulut, dan tenggorokan. Orang yang merokok atau orang yang terekspos pada virus papiloma manusia (HPV) lebih besar kemungkinannya untuk mempunyai sel kanker skuamosa.Gejala Kanker Kepala dan Leher:Dapat termasuk benjolan atau sakitSakit tenggorokanRongga mulut: bercak putih atau merah pada gusi, lidah, atau mulutFaring: masalah bernafas atau berbicara, rasa sakit ketika menelan, leher atau tenggorokan, sering sakit kepala, dsb.Laring: Sakit ketika menelan atau sakit telingaRongga sinus dan rongga mulut: Rongga sinus yang terhambat dan tidak bersih, infeksi sinis kronis yang tidak bisa disembuhkan dengan pengobatan antibiotik, dsb.Kelenjar ludah: Pembengkakan dibawah dagu atau disekitar rahang, mati rasa atau kelumpuhan otot wajah.

Diseases and Conditions
  • Branchial Cleft Cyst

Total Thyroidectomy

Most common type of thyroid surgery and is often used for thyroid surgery and is often used for thyroid cancer, and in particular, aggressive cancers.A total thyroidectomy removes the entire thyroid and the thyroid tissue. This surgery is appropriate when nodules, swelling, or inflammation affect the entire thyroid gland, or when cancer is present.

Diseases and Conditions
  • Goiter

Partial Thyroidectomy

A partial thyroidectommy is surgery to remove part of your thyroid gland. You may need a partial thyroidectomy if you have thyroid cancer or a lump on your thyroid. Because if a lump that grows on your thyroid, it can cause breathing problems.Why do you need thyroidectomy:Thyroid cancerNoncancerous enlargement of the thyroid (goiter)Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)This operation, thyroid cancer must be small and non-aggressive and contained to one side of the gland.

Diseases and Conditions
  • Thyroid Cancer
  • Goiter
Cervical Lymph Nodes Treatment

Cervical Lymph Nodes Treatment
RM 200 - RM 500

Lymph nodes located in the neck. Responsible for fighting infection that are carried into the node through lymph fluid.Causes of swollen Cervical Lymph Nodes:Reaction to infection, injury or cancerBronchitis (Inflammation of the surface lining of the bronchial airways)Common coldEar infectionScalp infectionStrep throat (Bacterial infection that causes inflammation and pain in the throat)Tonsillitis (Two lymph nodes located on each side of the back of your throat that are infected)Symptoms:Prolonged tenderness and painContinual Swelling for more than a weekFeverWeight lossSymptoms that need immediate attention:Tuberculosis (highly infectious disease that primarily affects the lungs)Syphilis (a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a type of bacteria)HIV (a virus that compromises the immune system)Lymphoma (can affect any portion of the lymphatic system)

Diseases and Conditions
  • Cervical Lymphadenopathy
Goiter Surgery

Goiter Surgery
RM 10,000 - RM 20,000

Goiter refers to enlargement of the thyroid gland, a butterfly shaped organ draped around the front and sides of the windpipe (or trachea) in the lower part of the neck. Symptoms:Discomfort or cause breathing and swallowing difficultiesConstrict airways/ esophagus/ blood vesselsCauses:inefficient thyroid hormone production Inflammation of the thyroid glandThyroid Tumours

Diseases and Conditions
  • Goiter

Partial Thyroidectomy

A partial thyroidectommy is surgery to remove part of your thyroid gland. You may need a partial thyroidectomy if you have thyroid cancer or a lump on your thyroid. Because if a lump that grows on your thyroid, it can cause breathing problems.Why do you need thyroidectomy:Thyroid cancerNoncancerous enlargement of the thyroid (goiter)Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)This operation, thyroid cancer must be small and non-aggressive and contained to one side of the gland.

Diseases and Conditions
  • Thyroid Cancer
  • Goiter

Total Thyroidectomy

Most common type of thyroid surgery and is often used for thyroid surgery and is often used for thyroid cancer, and in particular, aggressive cancers.A total thyroidectomy removes the entire thyroid and the thyroid tissue. This surgery is appropriate when nodules, swelling, or inflammation affect the entire thyroid gland, or when cancer is present.

Diseases and Conditions
  • Goiter
Dermoid Cyst Surgery

Dermoid Cyst Surgery
RM 3,000 - RM 8,000

Dermoid Cysts can develop anywhere in the body, but usually occur on the face, inside the skull, on the lower back and in the ovaries. It may contains structures such as hair, fluid or skin glands that can be found or in the skin. You may need to seek for medical help if a cyst becomes painful or inflamed, grows or changes colour, removal is desired for cosmetic reasons.Symptoms Dermoid Cysts:Small, often painless, lump in the mid-line of the neckSkin coloured or may have a slight yellow tinge

Diseases and Conditions
  • Dermoid Cyst
Hair Follicle Infection (Furunculosis) Treatment

Hair Follicle Infection (Furunculosis) Treatment

Folliculitis is a common skin condition of infected ingrown hair, it commonly appear on the face, scalp, chest, back, buttocks and legs.Causes of an infected ingrown hair:Too many dead skin cells on the surface of the skinShaving and waxing leads to creating sharper hair that tends to get trapped in the skin.If hair is naturally coarse or curlySymptoms of infecred ingrown hair:Start off as a red bumpPus and bump Area around infected ingrown hair may be red and irritated, swell, itch, feel warm to the touch

Diseases and Conditions
  • Furunculosis